The Cultivation Project

Missions Blog Network

Featured Long-Term Missionaries:

"I am currently serving in Mexico City, Mexico! Mexico City is the largest city in Latin America, with approximately 21.2 million people in the entire metropolitan area. My main ministry in Mexico is IME, Instituto Metropolitano Estrella, a small international homeschool designed to serve the children of English-speaking missionaries and national pastor's who will be pursuing their college education in the States. Mexico City is an important and strategic location for ministry outreach and church planting. For this reason, missionaries and national pastors are looking for a quality educational environment for their children. I have the privilege of teaching the math, science, and physical education classes to these students who are preparing for college in the states." - Yuri Kim

Yuri Kim, GoCorps

Mexico City, Mexico



Austin Lim, Youth Pastor

Shanghai, China

"I will be serving as a youth pastor for third culture kids living in China. I will be a part of an international church community of Expats living in a very large city. The primary role will be to serve the church but I also hope to explore what God is doing in this country and how I can potentially network and connect people for God's glory and to serve the gospel more effectively." - Austin Lim



"My 4 year commitment is to serve the college campuses in the South San Diego Area. Which includes, but is not limited to San Diego State University, Grossmont, Southwestern, and City College. The goal is to bring students to faith and equip them to reach every corner of their campus. This is done by training PMCs (Potential Missional Christians) in evangelism, cultivating their hearts for the missions field, and teaching them to lead small groups." - Zachary Wong


Zachary Wong

Campus Minister, Intervarsity South San Diego

Our Short-Term Missions Partners:

Latest Blogs:


East Asia 2017

The Cultivation Project

SE Asia 2017

Alex An & Hannah Kim, 4CM


Costa Rica 2017

Doris Yeung, CEC

Nepal STM 2017

Bread of Life, Torrance, CA

Los Angeles Urban Program 2017

Vivian Zhang, Intervarsity

Thailand STM 2017

Janessa Lin, Elijah Foundation

Taiwan STM 2015

Cameron Kuey, CEC


Shanghai STM 2017

Renewal Missions


India STM 2017

Mary Kim, San Diego Calvary Korean Church

Taiwan STM 2017

Crystal Kwok, MBCLA

Ensenada, Mexico STM 2017

Amy Tuey, CEC

Middle East STM 2017

Rachel Ger, Bread of Life

Costa Rica STM 2016

Oscar Tsai, CEC

Costa Rica STM 2015

Lisa Mai, CEC